Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Add Cron jobs to run scheduling jobs for Laravel Developer on Ubuntu

I have faced a lot of problems to run schedule jobs in Laravel.

I am using Ubuntu 14.04 and i spent a lot of time to make it work.

Here i wrote down the basic procedure that i followed.


To run scheduled jobs first you have to create a new command. To make a command go to your project directory and run following code in terminal:

php artisan make:console Hello

If you go to app/Console/Commands directory you'll see a new Hello.php class created.

Now change the signature variable and give a name of your newly created command

protected $signature = 'Hello';
Now change the description of the command if you like.

Now go to app/Console/kernal.php and update commands variable

protected $commands = [
Don't forget to add namespace for Hello.php clas.
Now in handle function we want to do what ever we want. In this example we want to return 'Hi Rashed';

public function handle(){
Log::info('i was here ');}
and add use Log; at the of the Hello.php
Now Add following code in schedule function on kernal.php file.
protected function schedule(Schedule $schedule){    $schedule->command('Hello')->everyMinute();}
So you can see i am trying to run Hello command in every minutes.
Now Everything is ready and all we have to do is setting up a cron for this project.

To do so, open a terminal and type

corntab -e

Now add following line :

* * * * * php /path/to/artisan schedule:run >> /dev/null 2>&1
Now Run your Project and check storage/logs/laravel.log file to see message.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. In latest Laravel version, there is option for command scheduling which you can use to create and schedule cron job in laravel ( ).
