Saturday, August 13, 2016

Laravel 5.2 queuing Event listeners

First , we need to create Event and to listen event, we also have to create listener. To do this , laravel provides us several ways. The easiest way to create event and corresponding listener we can use this command
php artisan event:generate
To make it work, we have to define our event and corresponding listener in EventServiceProvider.php. So for test purpose lets provide following values in $listen variable.
'App\Events\DeleteBranchCourse' => [
Now we are ready to run our command
php artisan event:generate
So if we look carefully to Events and Listeners folders, we can see, DeleteBranchCourse and DeleteCourseConfirmation class created respectively. So to make listeners queue , we have to implement ShouldQueue and to manually configure queued jobs, we have to use InteractsWithQueue traits.
class DeleteCourseConfirmation implements ShouldQueue(){
  use InteractsWithQueue; 
So to use queue , we have to use database as queue driver. Now we will create a function hello in DeleteBranchCourse Event class and call this function from DeleteCourseConfirmation's handler function
public function handle(DeleteBranchCourse $event)

Now we have to fire our event from a controller's function
Event::fire(new DeleteBranchCourse($feeId));


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